“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31
Since its establishment in 1965, The Children’s House has followed the Montessori approach to educating children. Fundamentally, we believe that each child has the ability to learn, given a well-prepared environment as well as the opportunity to move freely within that environment at his or her own pace. To fully respect each child’s needs and abilities, we provide mixed-age classes of 3- and 4-year olds. A full range of materials are offered for all children, so that they may work and advance at a rate that is comfortable for them. We believe this independence in the classroom helps children develop intrinsic motivation and an authentic desire to learn.
Over the years, we have been able to integrate other materials into our program, especially at the elementary level, while still remaining true to our Montessori values. When evaluating curricula, we look for programs that allow for experiential and independent learning.
All content areas and fields of study can be tied back to God’s Creation. We strive to guide children towards an enthusiasm for learning and an appreciation of all that He has made.
The Children's House
The Children’s House is an independent, co-educational Christian School with a Montessori approach, serving students from Preschool to Sixth Grade located in upper Pearl City.
1840 Komo Mai Drive, Pearl City, HI 96782
Phone: 808.455.4131 • FAX: 808.455.2748
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